lucas with the lid off 
firstname: lucasho
fullname: lucasho
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
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11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
apple computers.
my ex.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Lucas Ho

The sun is dipping gracefully
beneath the devastation,
casting a violent lilac-orange
over the creased spit
flanked by water and waste.

It's not too hard to envisage
the dank drape of death
that did settle upon here once.

Rocked as we sped
along the roadless path
by the Saviour's gentle embrace,

moving towards the frontier
where love and life collide
stopped by troops
peering into our van.

Did you come here
to do God's work
or for something more?

i left
home, kin, loves
and the Word of God behind.

Without pen and paper
or the reassuring clutch of comfort.
Freed from my evanescent somnambulance
four thousand miles away,

to come face to face
with the wreckage of lives
blown to shards.
Striking me out of my narcolepsy.

In the makeshift hut
Another pair of twins
"What is your name?"
wide-eyed and grinning
flies buzzing

around their shiny foreheads
they unfurl their innocence
beaming, betraying my inertia.
I've been kissed by angels
God's similitude.

their expression

David, your silent pain
screams out for an answer.
Smarted by your loss
none the wiser, for richer or poorer

for better or worse.
i would have cried with you.
But His pierced hand holds yours.

As we folded the strips
into tiny paper hearts
handing them out
to shy strange lovers

mine own was torn up,
and i know You're
refolding me now.

Posted by lucasho @ 7/23/2005 11:31:00 pm

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Give me time. And it
wouldn't take long to see that
I need a new watch.

Posted by lucasho @ 7/19/2005 02:33:00 pm

As evangelical Christians, we have tended to relegate art to the very fringe of life. The rest of human life we feel is more important. Despite our constant talk about the Lordship of Christ, we have narrowed its scope to a very small area of reality and have not appropriated the riches that the Bible gives us for ourselves, for our lives, and for our culture ... In fact, there is a very real sense in which the Christian life itself should be our greatest work of art.

Francis Schaeffer

Posted by lucasho @ 7/19/2005 09:51:00 am

If anyone wants to read the crap i churned out after 24hrs at SPH, just holla.

Posted by lucasho @ 7/19/2005 09:49:00 am

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
"In all kinds of places, the parochial system is working remarkably. It's just that we are increasingly aware of the contexts where it simply isn't capable of making an impact, where something has to grow out of it or alongside it, not as a rival (why do we cast so much of our Christian life in terms of competition?) but as an attempt to answer questions that the parish system was never meant to answer.
"At present, we stand at a watershed in the life of the Church of England - not primarily because of the controversies that have been racking us (much as they matter, much as they hurt) but because we have to ask whether we are capable of moving towards a more 'mixed economy' - recognising church where it appears and having the willingness and the skill to work with it."

Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Renewal begins on the fringe and then impacts the centre. The best renewal takes the form of an "innovative return to tradition". It's another way of saying it must be "engaged orthodoxy". That's how Jesus operated, and that's why both conservatives and radicals co-opt him. If we try and conserve our current expression of the faith, we will be irrelevant. If we move away from the historic Christian faith in the attempt to be relevant in form, we will lose everything. Creative tension is the only way forward. We must be distinct, yet engaged. It's the beautiful mystery of the Incarnation. Radically identified, radically distinct.

Posted by lucasho @ 7/06/2005 10:37:00 pm

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